Hurricane Water Vapor Loop Atlantic/East Coast
WebTV users click HERE!
Gulf of Mexico Water Vapor Loop
Names 2007
Atlantic Season
Hurricane & Tropical Storm Names
Hurricane Names |
Humberto - active
Wendy |
are six lists that continue to rotate.
Names |
Names |
Names |
Wendy |
Wilfred |
Wanda |

Public prayer
ceremony dedicated to Our Lady of Prompt Succor
(who has intervened historically on New Orleans’
behalf when a hurricane has threatened) and
Ezili Danto (also associated with Mater Salvatoris
and Moumt Carmel) to ask for protection from
When: Saturday,
July 21st.. 7:00 p.m.
Where: Achade Meadows Peristyle,
3319 Rosalie Alley (off of Rampart, between
Piety and Desire)
What to bring in offering:
For Our Lady: flowers, statues, candles, religious
pictures, jewelry.
For Danto: Barbancourt Rum, Florida Water, candles,
daggers, dolls dressed in red and blue with
gold trim or calico prints, spicy black beans,
peasant cakes, unfiltered cigarettes, fried
pork, white crème de menthe.
What to wear:
Please dress in white (the color of purity),
with red head scarves, or all red (the color
of Petwo rites).
For More Info, call The Island
of Salvation Botanica: (504) 948-9961.
Last year's hurricane season blew away the predictions.
Here's what a leading forecaster from Colorado
State University says
· This season will
be busy, but not as intense as last year.
· There's a 81 percent chance a major
hurricane could hit along the U.S. coast
and a 64 percent chance one could hit the
East Coast. · The still-recovering
Gulf Coast could be hit again -- there's
a 47 percent chance of a major hurricane
striking there. |
Be prepared for this
year's hurricane season.
Find states' emergency info, and
where to get help for Louisiana, Mississippi ,
Texas, Florida, Alabama, South Caraolina, North
WEB SITE Get info from NOAA hurricane center on
Would You Call It? What would you name a hurricane?
Is your name on the official list? See more about
the history of naming or check out memorable hurricanes.
What Are They? What are
hurricanes, anyway? How do they form?
How to Survive: Find out what to do before, during
and after a hurricane.
Been Struck? Has your area
been declared a national disaster? Find out where
to get
help and assistance.
More hurricane link Resources:
· Six to 10 Day Forecast in Your Area
· NOAA: National Hurricane Center
· Fed. Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
· Find Your Local Red Cross Chapter
· Water for Drinking and Cooking | More
preparedness begins with each family and household
having a plan. FEMA recommends that you have a
ready-to-go emergency kit that will allow you
to survive unaided for three days. A kit should
include the following:
aid kit (including prescription medicines)
Food and water for up to 72 hours
Extra clothing and blankets
Flashlights and extra batteries
The following supplies are recommended:
Weather Radio and extra batteries
Whistle to signal for help
A camp stove with extra fuel
Foldable ladders for second-story escape in a
Photocopies of credit and identification cards
Food and Water
addition to an emergency kit, families should
be prepared with up to three days of food and
water for each member. Basic foods, like canned
foods, dry foods, and other non-perishable items
are best to have because if electricity goes out,
they will still be edible. Here are some tips:
foods on hand that everyone in your family will
like to eat
Avoid foods that are high in fat and protein
Don't stock salty foods, since they will make
you thirsty
The average person requires two quarts of drinking
water per day. Some individuals, like children
or nursing mothers, may require more. A gallon
per day for each person in your family is the
recommended amount, say American Red Cross officials.
If you are running low on water, don't ration.
To lessen the amount you need, reduce your activity.
water is unavailable from household sources, water
from rain, streams or rivers, and natural springs
can be used. However, water from any outdoor source
must first be purified before it can be used for
potable or hygienic purposes. Boiling, disinfecting
(by means of adding 16 drops of bleach per gallon
of water) and distillation are the three recommended
methods of purification. Be
Ready to Evacuate
homes and travel trailers are particularly vulnerable
to severe weather because of their instability.
Since hurricanes can trigger quickly forming tornadoes,
residents should be prepared to leave at a moments
mobile home can overturn very easily even if precautions
have been taken to tie down the unit. When a tornado
warning is issued, take shelter in a building
with a strong foundation. If shelter is not available,
lie in ditch or low-lying area a safe distance
away from the unit. Never stay inside a mobile
home or travel trailer if a tornado warning has
been issued.
is a real possibility that your family might face
if a natural disaster threatens your home. Every
family should have an emergency plan that outlines
what to do, how to communicate with family members
when evacuating, and how the family should re-connect
in case they get separated.
the location and best route for evacuation out
of the area
Practice your emergency evacuation plan with your
Heed local and state-issued evacuation orders
Be ready to leave at a moment's notice
"Natural disasters are unpredictable, but
if you are prepared, you and your family will
know how to deal with them when they happen,"
said Federal Coordinating Officer Michael Bolch.
learn more on how to prepare your family for the
upcoming hurricane season, visit
or call 800-BE-READY.
Materials, including supply kit suggested supplies
and family communication plan templates are available
on the website. The website also provides information
on how to prepare for all disasters, including
man-made and other natural disasters.
Citizen Awareness & Disaster Hurricane
Evacuation Guide And Routes.
Management/Evacuation Information
For related questions
or comments please contact:
Smith (225) 925-7427
Viewable Map & Instructions
Orleans Contra Flow Map * If
you choose to print this page, you will
need to select 11x 17 (tabloid) size
paper or 11x14 (legal) under the "Print
Phase III Contraflow Instructions
* To Print documents
listed below, first right click on the
link and choose "Save Target to
your Computer". Open with Adobe
Acrobat Reader. On the print settings
select "Fit To Paper". Select
11x 17 (tabloid) size paper under the
Print Properties.
Front - New Orleans contraflow maps,
hurricane and
evacuation related information (Adobe
Acrobat) 7.1 MB
• Back
- Louisiana evacuation map, shelter
and evacuation related information (Adobe
Acrobat) 3.9 MB
Front Cover Page (Adobe Acrobat) 670
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Cover Page (Adobe Acrobat) 880 KB
Animal Related
• Equine
Shelter/Evacuation Site Information
Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness
Contact Numbers
Cecelia Broussard (337) 783-4357 (337)
Allen John Richer (337) 584-5156 (337)
Ascension Eddie Howard (225) 621-8360
(225) 621-8362
Assumption John Boudreaux (985) 369-7386
(985) 369-7341
Avoyelles Weber "Chip" Johnson
(318) 253-7291 (318) 253-9218
Beauregard Glen Mears, Sr. (337) 463-3281
(337) 463-6347
Bienville Rodney Warren (318) 263-2019
(318) 263-7404
Caddo/Bossier Charles Mazziotti (318)
425-5351 (318) 425-5940
Calcasieu Richard "Dick" Gremillion
(337) 721-3800 (337) 437-3583
Caldwell Dale Powell (318) 649-5707
(318) 649-5930
Cameron Clifton Hebert (337) 775-7940
(337) 775-2959
Catahoula Debra Renda (318) 744-5697
(318) 744-5697
Claiborne Dennis Butcher (318) 927-9118
(318) 927-2115
Concordia Morris White (318) 757-8248
(318) 757-7200
DeSoto Alan Bounds (318) 872-3956 (318)
East Baton Rouge JoAnne Moreau (225)
389-2100 (225) 389-2114
East Carroll Joseph Jackson (318) 559-2256
(318) 559-1502
East Feliciana Travis Prewitt (225)
634-5113 (225) 634-7267
Evangeline Liz Hill (337) 363-3345 (337)
Franklin Bill Mulkey (318) 435-3169
(318) 435-9420
Grant Robert Meeker (318) 627-3041 (318)
Iberia James Anderson (337) 369-4427
(337) 369-9956
Iberville Laurie Doiron (225) 687-5140
(225) 687-5146
Jackson Kenneth Pardue (318) 259-9021
(318) 395-4263
Jefferson Deano Bonano (504) 349-5360
(504) 349-5366
Jefferson Davis Ricky Edward (337) 821-2100
(337) 821-2105
Lafayette William Vincent (337) 291-5075
(337) 291-5080
Lafourche Chris Boudreaux (985) 446-8427
(985) 446-3599
LaSalle Joe P. Stevens (318) 992-0673
(318) 992-4324
Lincoln Dennis Woodward (318) 513-6200
(318) 513-6209
Livingston Brian Fairburn (225) 686-3066
(225) 686-3074
Madison Earl Pinkney (318) 574-3230
(318) 574-2773
Morehouse Jerre Hurst (318) 282-3382
(318) 283-3322
Natchitoches Leigh Perkins, Jr (318)
352-8101 (318) 352-7377
Orleans Joseph Matthews (504) 658-8700
(504) 658-8701
Ouachita Dean Dozier (318) 322-2641
(318) 322-7356
Plaquemines Jesse St. Amant (504) 682-0081
(504) 297-5394
Pointe Coupee Donald Ewing (225) 694-9014
(225) 694-5408
Rapides Sonya Wiley (318) 445-5141 (318)
Red River Russell Adams (318) 932-5981
(318) 932-6651
Richland Tommy Burgess (318) 728-0453
(318) 728-7004
Sabine Kenny Carter (318) 256-5637 (318)
St. Bernard Larry Ingargiola (504) 278-4267
(504) 271-7343
St. Charles Tab Troxler (985) 783-5050
(985) 783-6375
St. Helena Mark Harrell (225) 938-5976
(225) 777-4143
St. James Gerald Falgoust (225) 562-2364
(225) 562-2269
St. John the Baptist Paul Oncale (985)
652-2222 (985) 652-2183
St. Landry Lisa Vidrine (337) 948-7177
(337) 948-9139
St. Martin Sheriff Ronnie Theriot
(337) 394-3071 (337) 394-5705
St. Mary Duval H. Arthur, Jr. (985)
385-2600 (337) 828-4092
St. Tammany Dexter Accardo (985) 898-2359
(985) 898-3030
Tangipahoa John Ballard (985) 748-9602
(985) 748-7050
Tensas William 'Rick" Foster (318)
766-3992 (318) 766-4391
Terrebonne Michael Deroche (985) 873-6357
(985) 850-4643
Union Brian Halley (318) 368-3124 (318)
Vermilion Robert LeBlanc (337) 898-4308
(337) 898-4309
Vernon Kenneth Noble (337) 238-7225
(337) 238-4987
Washington Tommy Thiebaud (985) 732-5200
(985) 732-5830
Webster John Stanley (318) 846-2454
(318) 846-2446
West Baton Rouge Sharlot Edwards (225)
346-1577 (225) 346-0284
West Carroll Peggy Robinson (318) 428-2704
(318) 428-0122
West Feliciana Jesse Means (225) 635-6428
(225) 635-6996
Winn Harry Foster (318) 332-1960 (318)
Evacuation route signs are located on
all Parish/State major routes. The blue
sign indicates the Emergency Alert Radio
Station to monitor for the particular
area being traveled.
Routes will be determined
by the track of the storm and possible
rainfall flooding prior to landfall.
Monitor the Emergency Alert System for
suggested roadways and traffic conditions.
For road closure information call Louisiana
State Police at 1-800-469-4828.
When it is determined
that there is a need for an expedited
evacuation due to a storm with catastrophic
surge potential approaching Southeast
Louisiana and a heavier volume of traffic
is presented, the State Police will
implement the Contra-Flow Plan. All
inbound lanes of I-10 to New Orleans
will be converted to outbound or “Contra-Flow.”
Contra-Flow evacuation will be directed
by LA State Police and all specifics
of Contra-Flow are determined by the
specifics of the storm. Specific information
will be communicated by LA State Police
at that time.
For Contraflow information
and route maps, you can obtain the Louisiana
Citizen Awareness & Disaster Evacuation
Guide by contacting:
Louisiana State Police 1-800-469-4828
American Red Cross 1-800-229-8191
Louisiana Office of Homeland
1-800-256-7036 or 1-225-925-7500
Secutiry & Emergency Preparedness
Or you can visit
the State Police web site at
You can also get
information from Louisiana Department
of Transportation and Development at
1-225-379-1232 or visit their web site
Five Hurricane
to Be Retired
International Committee Selects Replacement Names
for 2011 List
April 6, 2006 — Hurricanes
Dennis, Katrina, Rita, Stan and Wilma, all from
the historic 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, were
"retired" by an international hurricane
committee of the World Meteorological Organization,
which includes the NOAA National Hurricane Center,
during their annual meeting in San Juan, Puerto
Rico. Now retired, these five storms, part of
last season's record-setting 27 named storms and
15 hurricanes, will not reappear on the list of
potential storm names that is otherwise recycled
every six years. (Click NOAA illustration for
larger view of Hurricanes Dennis, Katrina, Rita
and Wilma. Click here for high resolution version.
Please credit “NOAA.”)
Dennis, Katrina, Rita, Stan and
Wilma represent the type of devastating storm
that is "retired" for causing a large
loss of life and property. These names will not
be used again for sensitivity reasons and to establish
distinction within the scientific and legal communities.
For 2011, Dennis, Katrina, Rita,
Stan and Wilma have been replaced with Don, Katia,
Rina, Sean and Whitney, respectively.
Since tropical cyclones were first
named in 1953, 67 names have been retired (the
first being Carol and Hazel in 1954), and with
a total of five, 2005 has the most retired storm
names in a single season (previous record: four
in 1955, 1995 and 2004).
A synopsis of the newly retired
Dennis began its path of destruction
in early July while passing between Jamaica and
Haiti and then crossing Cuba with estimated top
winds of 140 mph. After tracking north across
the eastern Gulf of Mexico, Dennis came ashore
on Santa Rosa Island, Fla., as a Category 3 hurricane
on July 10 with top winds estimated at 120 mph.
At least 54 deaths are directly or indirectly
attributed to Dennis, including 15 in the U.S,
most from within Florida.
Katrina became the costliest and one of the deadliest
hurricanes in U.S. history with damage costs exceeding
$50 billion and fatalities, directly and indirectly,
topping 1,300. Katrina came ashore at Buras, La.,
as a Category 3 hurricane on August 29 with top
winds estimated at 125 mph. Additionally, Katrina
was a Category 1 hurricane when it first struck
the U.S. near the Broward/Miami-Dade County line
in Florida on August 24 after bringing tropical
storm conditions to the northern Bahamas.
Rita made landfall in extreme southwestern Louisiana,
near the Texas border, as a Category 3 hurricane
with top winds of 115 mph on September 24. Rita
reached Category 5 strength with top winds estimated
at 180 mph over the central Gulf of Mexico, where
it had the fourth-lowest central pressure on record
(895 millibars) in the Atlantic Basin. Rita produced
a significant storm surge that devastated coastal
communities in southwestern Louisiana, and its
wind, rain, and tornadoes caused fatalities and
a wide swath of damage from eastern Texas to Alabama.
Rita also produced storm surge flooding in parts
of the Florida Keys as the storm's center passed
between the Keys and Cuba en route to the Gulf
Stan, in combination with other weather features,
produced torrential rainfall in Mexico and Central
America where the combined death toll is estimated
to be as high as 2,000. Stan first crossed Mexico's
Yucatan Peninsula as a tropical storm, then moved
southwest across the Bay of Campeche and hit as
a Category 1 hurricane about 90 miles southeast
of Veracruz, Mexico, on October 4.
Wilma was an extremely intense Category 5 hurricane
over the northwestern Caribbean Sea with estimated
tops winds of 185 mph and the all-time lowest
central pressure (882 millibars) for an Atlantic
Basin hurricane. A slow-moving Wilma devastated
coastal areas of the northeastern Yucatan Peninsula
of Mexico as a Category 4 hurricane. It later
raced into South Florida—coming ashore near
Cape Romano, Fla., at Category 3 intensity with
top winds estimated at 120 mph on October 24—and
inflicting extensive damage.
Names for the upcoming 2006 season, which begins
June 1, include Alberto, Beryl, Chris, Debby,
Ernesto, Florence, Gordon, Helene, Isaac, Joyce,
Kirk, Leslie, Michael, Nadine, Oscar, Patty, Rafael,
Sandy, Tony, Valerie, William. On this list Kirk
replaces Keith, which was retired following its
impact on Mexico and Belize in 2000.
NOAA, an agency of the U.S. Department
of Commerce, is dedicated to enhancing economic
security and national safety through the prediction
and research of weather and climate-related events
and providing environmental stewardship of the
nation's coastal and marine resources.
Through the emerging Global Earth
Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), NOAA is
working with its federal partners, 61 countries
and the European Commission to develop a global
network that is as integrated as the planet it
observes, predicts and protects.
Tropical Cyclone Names
Reason to Name
Experience shows that the use of short, distinctive
names in written as well as spoken communications
is quicker and less subject to error than the
older, more cumbersome latitude-longitude identification
methods. These advantages are especially important
in exchanging detailed storm information between
hundreds of widely scattered stations, coastal
bases, and ships at sea.
The use of easily remembered names greatly reduces
confusion when two or more tropical storms occur
at the same time. For example, one hurricane can
be moving slowly westward in the Gulf of Mexico,
while at exactly the same time another hurricane
can be moving rapidly northward along the Atlantic
coast. In the past, confusion and false rumors
have arisen when storm advisories broadcast from
radio stations were mistaken for warnings concerning
an entirely different storm located hundreds of
miles away.
History of Hurricane
For several hundred years many
hurricanes in the West Indies were named after
the particular saint's day on which the hurricane
occurred. Ivan R. Tannehill describes in his book
"Hurricanes" the major tropical storms
of recorded history and mentions many hurricanes
named after saints. For example, there was "Hurricane
Santa Ana" which struck Puerto Rico with
exceptional violence on July 26, 1825, and "San
Felipe" (the first) and "San Felipe"
(the second) which hit Puerto Rico on September
13 in both 1876 and 1928.
Tannehill also tells of Clement
Wragge, an Australian meteorologist who began
giving women's names to tropical storms before
the end of the l9th century.
An early example of the use of a
woman's name for a storm was in the novel "Storm"
by George R. Stewart, published by Random House
in 1941, and since filmed by Walt Disney. During
World War II this practice became widespread in
weather map discussions among forecasters, especially
Air Force and Navy meteorologists who plotted
the movements of storms over the wide expanses
of the Pacific Ocean.
In 1953, the United States abandoned
a confusing two-year old plan to name storms by
a phonetic alphabet (Able, Baker, Charlie) when
a new, international phonetic alphabet was introduced.
That year, the United States began using female
names for storms.
The practice of naming hurricanes
solely after women came to an end in 1978 when
men's and women's names were included in the Eastern
North Pacific storm lists. In 1979, male and female
names were included in lists for the Atlantic
and Gulf of Mexico.
NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
National Hurricane Center
Tropical Prediction Center
11691 SW 17th Street
Miami, Florida, 33165-2149 USA
Hurricane Scale
Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale is a 1-5 rating
based on the hurricane's present intensity. This
is used to give an estimate of the potential property
damage and flooding expected along the coast from
a hurricane landfall. Wind speed is the determining
factor in the scale, as storm surge values are
highly dependent on the slope of the continental
shelf and the shape of the coastline, in the landfall
region. Note that all winds are using the U.S.
1-minute average.
One Hurricane:
Winds 74-95 mph (64-82
kt or 119-153 km/hr). Storm surge generally 4-5
ft above normal. No real damage to building structures.
Damage primarily to unanchored mobile homes, shrubbery,
and trees. Some damage to poorly constructed signs.
Also, some coastal road flooding and minor pier
damage. Hurricane Lili of 2002 made landfall on
the Louisiana coast as a Category One hurricane.
Hurricane Gaston of 2004 was a Category One hurricane
that made landfall along the central South Carolina
Two Hurricane:
Winds 96-110 mph (83-95
kt or 154-177 km/hr). Storm surge generally 6-8
feet above normal. Some roofing material, door,
and window damage of buildings. Considerable damage
to shrubbery and trees with some trees blown down.
Considerable damage to mobile homes, poorly constructed
signs, and piers. Coastal and low-lying escape
routes flood 2-4 hours before arrival of the hurricane
center. Small craft in unprotected anchorages
break moorings. Hurricane Frances of 2004 made
landfall over the southern end of Hutchinson Island,
Florida as a Category Two hurricane. Hurricane
Isabel of 2003 made landfall near Drum Inlet on
the Outer Banks of North Carolina as a Category
2 hurricane.
Three Hurricane:
Winds 111-130 mph (96-113 kt or 178-209 km/hr).
Storm surge generally 9-12 ft above normal. Some
structural damage to small residences and utility
buildings with a minor amount of curtainwall failures.
Damage to shrubbery and trees with foliage blown
off trees and large trees blown down. Mobile homes
and poorly constructed signs are destroyed. Low-lying
escape routes are cut by rising water 3-5 hours
before arrival of the center of the hurricane.
Flooding near the coast destroys smaller structures
with larger structures damaged by battering from
floating debris. Terrain continuously lower than
5 ft above mean sea level may be flooded inland
8 miles (13 km) or more. Evacuation of low-lying
residences with several blocks of the shoreline
may be required. Hurricanes Jeanne and Ivan of
2004 were Category Three hurricanes when they
made landfall in Florida and in Alabama, respectively.
Four Hurricane:
Winds 131-155 mph (114-135 kt or 210-249 km/hr).
Storm surge generally 13-18 ft above normal. More
extensive curtainwall failures with some complete
roof structure failures on small residences. Shrubs,
trees, and all signs are blown down. Complete
destruction of mobile homes. Extensive damage
to doors and windows. Low-lying escape routes
may be cut by rising water 3-5 hours before arrival
of the center of the hurricane. Major damage to
lower floors of structures near the shore. Terrain
lower than 10 ft above sea level may be flooded
requiring massive evacuation of residential areas
as far inland as 6 miles (10 km). Hurricane Charley
of 2004 was a Category Four hurricane made landfall
in Charlotte County, Florida with winds of 150
mph. Hurricane Dennis of 2005 struck the island
of Cuba as a Category Four hurricane.
Five Hurricane:
Winds greater than 155 mph (135 kt or 249 km/hr).
Storm surge generally greater than 18 ft above
normal. Complete roof failure on many residences
and industrial buildings. Some complete building
failures with small utility buildings blown over
or away. All shrubs, trees, and signs blown down.
Complete destruction of mobile homes. Severe and
extensive window and door damage. Low-lying escape
routes are cut by rising water 3-5 hours before
arrival of the center of the hurricane. Major
damage to lower floors of all structures located
less than 15 ft above sea level and within 500
yards of the shoreline. Massive evacuation of
residential areas on low ground within 5-10 miles
(8-16 km) of the shoreline may be required. Only
3 Category Five Hurricanes have made landfall
in the United States since records began: The
Labor Day Hurricane of 1935, Hurricane Camille
(1969), and Hurricane Andrew in August, 1992.
The 1935 Labor Day Hurricane struck the Florida
Keys with a minimum pressure of 892 mb--the lowest
pressure ever observed in the United States. Hurricane
Camille struck the Mississippi Gulf Coast causing
a 25-foot storm surge, which inundated Pass Christian.
Hurricane Andrew of 1992 made landfall over southern
Miami-Dade County, Florida causing 26.5 billion
dollars in losses--the costliest hurricane on
record. In addition, Hurricane Gilbert of 1988
was a Category Five hurricane at peak intensity
and is the strongest Atlantic tropical cyclone
on record with a minimum pressure of 888 mb.
ORLEANS 2006 Emergency Preparedness Plan
In preparation for
the 2006 Atlantic Storm Season, Mayor C. Ray Nagin's
Office of Emergency Preparedness has developed
a strategic plan for the management and evacuation
of the citizens of New Orleans. Through detailed
evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of
responses to past events across the nation, and
the integration of the on the ground experiences
of the mayor and his emergency team during the
response and recovery to last years Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita, the city's new emergency plan
focuses on the logistical how-to of moving citizens
out of harm's way.
City Communication infrastructure
is being upgraded and an emphasis is being placed
on interoperability with government agencies and
law enforcement across the region.
Mayor Nagin has named May hurricane
preparedness month and urges residents to sit
down with their families before the June 1 beginning
of hurricane season to make their own emergency
plan. A completed plan should include when and
where family members should meet, where they should
evacuate, and what they should bring, including
money, food and health-related supplies. The city's
technology office is working with Homeland Security
and the Office of Emergency Preparedness on a
new website to assist citizens with this crticial
"There will be no shelter of
last resort," Nagin declared. "In the
future, the Convention Center will be a staging
point for evacuations, not a shelter, and Amtrak
trains will also be used for evacuation purposes."
A critical component of any Emergency
Preparedness Plan is how the evacuation of assisted
needs citizens, such as the elderly and infirm,
will be managed.
To this end, the city presents a new City Assisted
Evacuation Plan (CAEP). The purpose of the CAEP
is to help citizens who want to evacuate during
an emergency, but lack the capability to self-evacuate.
The CAEP is not intended to replace the individual’s
personal responsibility in preparing their own
evacuation. It is meant to be an evacuation method
of last resort and only for those citizens who
have no other means or, have physical limitations
that prohibit self evacuation.